November 7 - December 5, 2024
Imagine being held in a field of warm, nourishing light.
Being instilled with hope, vibrancy and love. Discovering your deep reservoirs of kindness - for your self and others. You are invited on a journey with one of the most ancient medicines in the world - Turmeric. This soft dieta will:
We are engaging in a practice of plant spirit medicine- called a "soft dieta" - with this ancient wise medicine. While you may know turmeric from your kitchen, working with turmeric in a soft dieta opens up a direct connection with this potent root on the level of spirit - for deep healing, teaching and transformation on all levels - physical, emotional, mental, energetic & spiritual. Turmeric has a magical effervescent spirit, that penetrates deep into your cells. She originates in Southeast Asia and evidence in India shows she has been used for over 4,000 years. Written records from Ancient Egypt (1500 BC) indicate they used turmeric as medicine. Many traditional medicine systems that are highly respected today, such as Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine, all use turmeric for the infinite healing properties it offers. In Ayurveda, turmeric clears the energetic flow between the chakras, allowing your prana to flow with ease. In India, she's been used as a charm for good health, to ward off negative spirits, and in ceremonies and marriages symbolizing fertility, purity and union. She's also associated with the Hindu goddess, Kali - representing the cycles of birth, death and rebirth. Turmeric teaches a balance between sensuality and chastity. |
Medicinally, turmeric has been extensively researched and known to reduce inflammation, lubricate the joints, detoxify the blood, support the immune system, and is anti-bacterial, anti-tumor, oxidant, anti-viral (There are new studies showing turmeric is an active anti-viral against Covid infection). She also relieves anxiety and depression, and aids in restful sleep.
An intimate relationship with turmeric rejuvenates on the deepest levels of the body, mind and spirit. She releases old energies, so that her light filled spirit is pouring out of your cells, illuminating your energy field. The beautiful plant we will be working with is grown in the Amazon. Hand collected from the high jungles of Peru, this turmeric embodies the pure vitality of the untouched jungle. |
Disclaimer: Services and products offered by Wankawi are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Wankawi and its associates are not licensed mental health care or medical providers, and information provided is for educational purposes only. All clients are responsible to consult their own healthcare professionals. |
The journey is focused around a 7- 10 day "soft" diet - which is a modified version of the Amazonian plant dieta. These dietas are the traditional way in which healers learn the healing properties of the plants - by ingesting decoctions of the plants and communicating with the plant spirits. A soft dieta can be done safely from your own home, in your everyday life. You get to experience the medicine and magic of a plant teacher, learning how the plant can guide you in your life, your work, and your relationships. In a soft dieta, you create a sacred container to work with the spirit of the plant. You eat a simple cleansing diet, limit your interactions with the outside world to your minimal responsibilities, and create energetic space to welcome and invite in the teacher plant turmeric. You will feel the presence of the plant's spirit as it builds in your energy field. You'll also continue feeling it after the dieta is over. For this reason, there are dietary guidelines for ~10 days after the dieta is over. There is time to get out of dietary restrictions before the holiday, so you can partake normally! |
We meet online as a group to prepare ourselves for the dieta, and to integrate afterwards. These meetings will include guided meditations, energetic support & healing, and integration. We will be connecting with the spirit of turmeric and the allowing the intelligence of the group energy field to guide us. The power of being in a group is that we amplify and learn from others' work with turmeric.
Turmeric creates space for old energies to be released from our subconscious, often called shadow work. We will have exercises to help guide this process. And for this reason, we have a private 1:1 session. Private 1:1 Sessions: Included is one private Energy Clearing & Alignment session. Here you receive guidance, energetic clearing, and deeper support. In these sessions, we dive into your energy field to clear out old emotions and thoughts, find truth and clarity, connect to your soul guidance and to communicate with the spirit of turmeric. We work with an intention, a theme, a challenge or with whatever is arising for you during the diet. |
꩜ 5 Live Online Meetings: 90 minutes each on Zoom ꩜ 10-day supply of freeze-dried extract from Peru ꩜ 60 minute 1:1 Private Session - Energy Healing & Alignment ꩜ Peruvian Mapacho & Plant Bath ꩜ Turmeric Flower Essence ꩜ Group support and connection through private Signal ꩜ Education, preparation, energetic & shamanic practices, exercises, rituals, food guidelines & recipes for the dieta |
Thursdays: 1 -2:30 pm ET / 11 - 12:30 pm PT Session 1 / Preparation of Mind-Body-Spirit : November 7 Session 2 / Opening Dieta : November 14 Session 3 / Deepening into Relationship: November 21 Session 4 / Closing Dieta : November 27** Session 5 / Integration + Gratitude: December 5 **Note: We will meet on Wednesday this week since Thursday is holiday. |
What is the Difference of Micro-dosing vs. a Plant Dieta?
A plant dieta initiates a strong connection with a plant spirit. It’s opening a contract in the spirit world, to work with the medicine of the plant. In Amazonian traditions (and there are other traditions who also do this in their own ways), it’s the process of creating a very clean ceremonial sacred space to learn from the plant. This requires following strict food and lifestyle guidelines for both making sure there are not physical contraindications, but also to create a very clean energetic space, so you can sense, hear and feel the vibration and teaching of the plants. The plants work on the level of spirit and subtle energy (what is termed by some as the “shamanic realms”), so you have to have a clean space, in order for you to sensitively perceive these levels. The strictest is an isolation dieta, done in the Amazon under the guidance of a maestro/a, curandero/a. These teachers and healers have long deep and dedicated relationships with the plants, and know how to navigate the shamanic realms and guide the work of the plant in a safe, healing way. Doing an at-home “soft” dieta, or what’s often called an attunement, is a modified version of the traditional isolation dieta. You enter into a sacred container with a plant spirit, while still engaging in your normal everyday life. There are still dietary and lifestyle requirements to keep the space clean and aligned, but they are less stringent that in an isolation dieta. Unless you already have your own practice, these are also done under the guidance of a teacher, healer or guide who has cultivated a relationship with the plants. (Note: Not all plants are well suited for at-home dietas.) Micro-dosing is a gentler, more accessible way to get to know a plant. It’s taking a small dose of the medicine following a protocol over a certain amount of time. The diet and lifestyle restrictions are less intense (though there are some depending on the plant you are working with and how deep you want to go). If you consider a dieta more like a marriage, micro-dosing would be a dating relationship, where you are getting to know each other. What are the food & lifestyle limitations? When working with the plants, you will eat a clean diet that follows traditional, yet modified guidelines (no chili, no alcohol, no caffeine, no sugar, no fried foods, no fermented foods, no strong herbal supplements, no sexual activity & more.) These limitations are not only to be able to hear and learn the frequencies of the plant teacher, but also for any medical contraindications. Note on sexual activity: This is a deep energetic connection with the spirit of the plant, and it is advised to refrain from any sexual activity during the 10-day dieta and 10-days afterwards. Please reach out to talk about this more if this is a concern! What will I be eating? During the dieta and while micro-dosing, you can eat organic vegetables, fruit (limited), legumes, lentils, mung dal, rice, quinoa, oats, seeds, and other grains. You will also have some limited quantities of organic oil and salt. For those who need more protein, bone broths and fish are possible in limited amounts. It's a detox for the mind-body-spirit, and nearly everyone benefits from releasing any attachments to foods. In most cases, even those with special dietary considerations, my medical advisor and I have developed a plan that can work to meet individual needs. Please reach out to me if you have questions. |
Why have a guide?
Teachers of mine have shared that the work of the plants is only about 30-40% of the work. The remaining 60-70% is the work of the teacher, the guide, or the healer - who is connecting with the plant spirit and making sure that the energies are moving in an aligned way. Their job (my job) is to open the space, make the connection with the plant spirit, help hold the shamanic space and guide the process, and close the space. You would want a guide who has a dedicated relationship with the plant, an understanding of how the energies / spirits work, and someone you trust. Ideally, you find someone who you resonate with and who has had adequate training at the physical, energetic and spiritual level. While many think that they can simply "take the plant - what else is there to it?" - I do not recommend this unless you've been trained to work in this way in all dimensions. For myself, I have been engaging and training in these practices for nearly 15 years, and I still choose to work with teachers and guides. As know I can go deeper in my learning with someone else who has cultivated relationships with these plants, and who holds a safe space that I can trust. Will this fit my schedule? You will have some flexibility to meet your schedule. If you are planning to do a 10-day soft dieta, you will need a solid 10-days where you can follow food limitations (will need to mostly be cooking for yourself). You will also have 10 days afterwards where you are slowly re-introducing foods. How many people will the group be limited to? The maximum group size is 8-12 people. I prefer to guide this work in small intimate groups, so that the group energy field is cohesive, contained and as supportive as possible for the individual and collective healing and learning process. I am on medications and / or have a medical condition - can I still participate? There are a few contraindications for turmeric, such as those who are pregnant, have heart, liver or gallbladder conditions, and bleeding disorders. Note: This list is not inclusive. Please consult your medical doctor if you are on medications or have an existing health condition. Please reach out to me if you have questions. Can I do this in my normal everyday life? Yes! This is designed to navigate in your everyday life. The plants are gentle enough to work with, but do require your attention and care. During the 10-day soft dieta it is recommended to not be traveling, and to minimize your social activities. You can live your normal life with your responsibilities, but be mindful during these 10 days especially of energetic exchanges, loud environments, & stressful work as you will be very sensitive. It's advisable to plan to take more time to yourself and in nature. Even if it's a afternoon or day off from work, you will be grateful for the extra time to deepen into your practice. Can I work with other plant or frog medicines, or psychedelics? No, this is absolutely NOT allowed during this container. There can be dangerous medical contraindications with combining medicines. And we are deepening into plant spirit medicine, which requires a focus and commitment to learning from a plant teacher without interference, so that you can hear, feel and experience the plant. |
The power of this work depends on your commitment to:
Jaime is a Plant Medicine Guide, Intuitive and Energy Medicine Practitioner. Jaime guides those on a healing and spiritual awakening path through private mentorship, group work, Master Plant Dietas in Peru and "soft dietas" from the comfort of our own homes.
Jaime holds a powerful energetic presence and creates a beautiful space for people to discover their deepest wisdom and truths. She specializes working with clients on deep levels - healing traumas, addictions and outdated patterns of conditioning. She teaches clients awareness and helps facilitate healing on the level of subtle energy and universal consciousness. Jaime bridges ancient ways of communicating with the Earth into our modern lives. She works deeply with clients, teaching them skills to connect with spirit, how to become their own empowered healer & develop their own unique navigation system to working in altered states and with plants. Her purpose is connecting us all to the wisdom of the Earth so we become her devoted students & guardians. She has been a student of Amazonian traditional plant medicines for nearly 15 years, including more than 3 years living in the Peruvian Amazon. She has undergone traditional dietas with 20+ plants, under the guidance of Mestizo, Quechua, & Lamista-based ayahuasceros and tabaqueros..Read more of her journey here. |