Group Journey
December 5, 2023 - January 2, 2024
December 5, 2023 - January 2, 2024
From the High Jungles of Peru
Hand collected from the high jungles of Peru, this Wild Amazonian Reishi embodies the pure vitality of the untouched jungle. The group journey will be a preparation and integration of a 7-day "soft" dieta - which is a modified version of the Amazonian plant dieta. These dietas are the traditional way in which healers learn the healing properties of the plants - by ingesting decoctions of the plants and communicating with the plant spirits. The "softer" version of this can be done safely from your own home. We eat a simple cleansing diet, limit our interactions with the outside world to our minimal responsibilities, and create energetic space to welcome and invite in the spirit of Reishi. |
About Wild Amazonian Reishi
This is a Wild Amazonian Reishi - from the selva alta (high jungle) of Peru. It's hand collected from the mountains in the San Martin region. Originating from this pristine, untouched part of the Amazonian biosphere - it embodies the vibration of the unaltered vitality of the jungle. This is a very rare experience to work with this medicine and the spirit of the Amazonian jungle in this way.
Reishi, the "Elixir of Immortality," has been used for over 2,000 years in China as a medicinal mushroom that supports overall health, well-being, and longevity. It's fantastic for supporting the immune system, anxiety, fatigue, depression, sleep, mental health, peace of mind, stability, optimism, etc. It's an incredible teacher of learning to sit with and care for yourself - on all levels, building strength and vitality. Check out these blog posts to read more: |
Disclaimer: Please research and consult your doctor if you have medical conditions or are taking medications. Ideally, during dieta, no medications are consumed. Those who are pregnant, have heart conditions or diabetes are not able to participate due to contraindications.
Support + Guidance
We meet online weekly as a group, to prepare ourselves for the 7-day dieta, and to integrate afterwards. In these meetings, we will be doing meditations, exercises, engaging in discussion and connecting with the group and the spirit of reishi. Session 1 : Preparation of Mind-Body-Spirit Session 2 : Opening Dieta Private Session : Deepening Into Relationship Session 3 : Closing Dieta Session 4 : Integration + Gratitude Session 5: Carrying the Medicine out into the World Private 1:1 Sessions: Included is 1 private session. In these sessions, we go deeper into expanded consciousness to access your energy fields and clear out old emotions and thoughts, find truth and clarity, connect to your soul guidance and to communicate with the plants. We work with an intention, a theme, a challenge or with whatever is arising for you during the dieta. |
Session 1 / : TBD Session 2 / : TBD Session 3 / : TBD Session 4 / : TBD Session 5/ : TBD 6 - 7:30 pm MST (5 - 6:30 pm PST, 8 - 9:30 pm EST) INCLUDES:
***$100 discount for current and past clients (within the last year.)***
***Payment plans available are available.*** |
About Jaime
Jaime is a Guide for Consciousness Transformation, Intuitive and Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner. Jaime guides those on a healing and spiritual awakening path through private sessions, group integration work, "soft dietas" and Master Plant Dietas in Peru and soul adventures in India.
Jaime holds a powerful energetic presence and creates a beautiful space for people to discover their deepest wisdom and truths. She specializes working with clients on deep levels - healing traumas, addictions and outdated patterns of conditioning. She teaches clients awareness and facilitates healing on the level of subtle energy and universal consciousness. Jaime has been working with Amazonian plant medicines for 12+ years, including more than 3 years living in the Peruvian Amazon, and has spent collectively over a year in traditional plant dieta. Read more of her journey here. |